Resultados: 7

Núcleo Interno de Regulação hospitalar: repercussões da implantação nos indicadores dos serviços de saúde

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar os indicadores hospitalares e suas repercussões, antes e após a implantação do Núcleo Interno de Regulação, no número de internações mensais em hospital universitário público. Método Pesquisa avaliativa, do tipo Estudo de Caso desenvolvida em hospital universitário...

Confirmatory factorial analysis of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey in health professionals in emergency services

Objective: to confirm the factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey version in a sample of health professionals from the emergency services. Method: a quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and analytical study. Two hundred and eighty-two health professionals participat...

Clinical simulation for nursing competence development in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: systematic review

Objective: to identify the effectiveness of clinical simulation for competence development regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation in comparison with different teaching and learning strategies used in the education of nursing students. Method: systematic review, performed on the databases PubMed®/MEDLI...

The ethical dimension of problems faced in general medicine: relationship with moral sensitivity

Objective: to identify the main ethical problems and how these relate to the moral sensitivity of nurses working in a general medicine ward. Method: this qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study was conducted in a university hospital located in the south of Brazil. A total of 18 nurses working in...

Professional interaction in management of the triad: Permanent Education in Health, patient safety and quality

Objective: to understand how professional interaction takes place in the hospital organizational structure for the management of Permanent Education in Health, to guarantee patient safety and the quality of nursing care. Method: this is a qualitative study, which used the structuralist aspect of the Gro...

Validity and reliability study of the Moral Distress Questionnaire in Turkish for nurses

Objective: to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish language version of the Moral Distress Questionnaire for nurses. Method: methodological study whose sample consisted of 200 nurses working in the internal medicine and surgery clinics of a university hospital. Data was collected using t...

Influence of hospital Accreditation on professional satisfaction of the nursing team: mixed method study

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the influence of Accreditation on the professional satisfaction of nursing workers. Method: multicentric, cross-sectional research, outlined by the sequential explanatory mixed method. In the first preponderant, quantitative step, the validated Brazilian version of the In...